Now that 2020 is behind us, we’re reflecting on the important things we’ve learned. The last year has given us an opportunity to slow down and see that there might be a better way to do things: a way that is more aligned with our values and needs. It has also shown us how valuable our health is, and how important it is to invest in all aspects of our health.
The sacrifices we’ve made to protect ourselves and others are not as temporary as we had believed. We’re all feeling the impact of confinement on our body, mind, and spirit. With this new perspective, what can we do to make wellness more a part of our day-to-day? How do we make sure we can nurture our wellness across all aspects of our life?
First things first, let’s get to the bottom of this cryptic term. Does it conjure up images of healing crystals for you? Yogi masters? Expensive diets, and certain vagina-scented candles? Well, while any of those things can be a part of your personal experience, but they don’t have to be. It’s easy to hold onto stereotypes, or feel intimidated by those who seem to have it figured out. But the great thing about holistic wellness is that it’s personal! This means it will look different for everyone, and you can tailor your practice so it works best for you. When you can make your wellness practice what you need, there’s no need to worry about it growing old or too expensive. Don’t fret about being caught up in a fad – it’s all up to you!
Especially this time of year, we can get so busy looking after family and friends, meeting our work deadlines, or managing other responsibilities, that we forget to take care of our most important responsibility: our wellness! We won’t be much use to others if we burn ourselves out.
On the flipside, embracing your own wellness can really help you out! Learning to observe yourself and figure out your internal signals will help you feel a deeper connection to yourself. Be patient and find out which practices energize you and which drain you or create tension. You may be surprised at what you find out! Being mindful in this way can help you feel more in control and less stressed. Over time, simply knowing your personal responses and adopting habits that nourish you holistically will help you live more positively, feel more energetic and happier, reduce inflammation in the body, and even prevent minor illnesses and speed up recovery time.
It may still seem like a lot to take in, but you may be surprised how small changes can affect you holistically. Here’s an example: Imagine you’re sitting in a sauna. The heat in the sauna improves circulation in the body. This in turn promotes relaxation in the mind by reducing stress. Finally, I know I can’t take my phone with me into such a hot environment, so my spirit gets a boost when I disconnect and focus on the heat and my breathing instead. See how it’s all connected? If you set up your own DIY sauna in the bathtub, you can create your own nexus of holistic wellness benefits!
If you’re looking for other ideas, here are some tips to help you on your journey:
So, there you have it! I hope this has given you some food for thought. Go one step at a time and enjoy the process. Follow us on Instagram for regular tips and inspiration about holistic wellness, and be sure to share your progress with me while you’re there!